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My creative works have contributed to the national conversation of the complex issues and national conversations between politics and the press, and race and culture. I have utilized more than 20 years’ experience as an award-winning industry insider, network news producer, executive and broadcast journalist to create creative productions that demonstrate in-depth research, analysis and impact.  My research is also aligned with the Vision of the Department of Media, Journalism and Film (MJFC) to be “a best in class” professional program which allows faculty, students and alumni to have a far-reaching and rewarding impact on their disciplines, industry and society.


The APT Appendix A Department of Media, Journalism and Film Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Criteria Guidelines for Creative Achievement


Guidelines for journalism state: [p.7]



Professionally oriented journalistic work in roles such as writer, reporter, photojournalist, editor, designer or producer must demonstrate in-depth journalism, analysis, innovation and/or impact deeper than description or routine reporting, regardless of length or medium...


Creative productions include broadcast scripts, news packages, documentaries, articles, publications, digital projects and commentary. They should be explained and should be evaluated based on whether they have been aired, published or otherwise disseminated by a legitimate radio, or television broadcast organization, online or print news entity, including but not limited to commercial, public and cable radio and television.


Additionally, The APT Appendix A with regards to Exemplary Creative/Professional Activity, states:


A. Exemplary Creative/Professional Activities [p. 10]


10. Authorship of works such as articles, reviews, commentaries, multimedia, and/or other creative projects published or broadcast locally, nationally or internationally in newspapers, magazines, popular or industry-specific media (e.g., TV and film documentaries, JAE, Folio, AJR, CJR, BEA, UFVA, etc.) or on the Internet if they demonstrate high standards in the practice of the discipline. This can include:

  •  A substantial set of informed editorials

  •  A series of reported articles

  •  A broadcast, cablecast or webcast series

  •  A singular in-depth or long-form article, special report or other project

  •  A collection of short reported pieces about a single subject or a

    substantive collection on diverse subjects

  •  A documentary film, conceived, produced and directed solely by the

    candidate at the highest standards of the field.

  •  Full article peer-reviewed conference proceedings


12. Live, filmed or taped productions that have been exhibited or broadcast on television, radio, satellite or cable at the local, regional, national or international level and/or on any Arbitron-rated station, online and/or other distribution deemed of significance... A major production for audio, video (including instructional project, etc.), film or other multimedia must be completed and must adhere to the following guidelines:

  •  At least one minute in which a faculty member fulfills at least one of the following roles: scriptwriter, writer, producer, director, editor or designer.

  •  An interactive narrative or comparable digital project that is comprehensive and includes three or more multimedia elements (i.e., text, audio, video, photojournalism, maps, graphics, data visualization, timelines).

  •  All completed productions must be aired or exhibited before a refereed body of peers recognized by the profession, and/or documented by significant recognition, acceptance and success as defined by academic or professional constituents. All completed productions, whether narrative or documentary, must reflect research and artistic or journalistic vision.


B. High Creative/Professional Activities [p 11]


9.  Meritorious work of a demanding nature in professional positions during summers or leave time, provided a detailed report and critique of the activity is prepared by the candidate.


10.  Development and management of meritorious special projects of an academic or professional nature that exceed normal expectations of teaching and/or instruction and supervision of co-curricular programs, and that achieve recognition on local, regional, national or international level and/or other targeted area deemed of significance. The candidate must also prepare a detailed report and critique of the activity.


My Research and *Creative Productions include:


Three (3) Exemplary Creative/Professional Activities

Two (2)  High Creative Professional Activities

Two   (2) Refereed Journal articles;

One   (1) Book Chapter contribution


Furthermore, I currently have the following works in progress

One (1) Major Media Production (documentary series)

One (1) Refereed Journal article (under review);

One (1) Book Chapter (accepted for edited collection; under review by publisher Palgrave McMillan)


My Creative Research has exceeded the MJFC Promotion and Tenure Guidelines from various requirements in the guidelines.


Research and Creative Productions Recommendation 305-2015, § X (A.3.) [p. 18], states:​


“Since the appointment at this rank, the candidate shall have published or had accepted for publication:


One (1) peer reviewed book


Media Productions (see Appendix A)


One (1) Major Production (as described in Appendix B and/or Appendix C)


Published or accepted for publication some combination of the following, which must total five (5) quality publications:

    Book chapter(s)​

    Refereed articles in legitimate journals"


Please use the links below to access this information.

Exemplary Creative Activities

Major Media Productions 






Executive Producer

Election 2016: Road to the Conventions

One-hour Live News Special


PBS Affiliate

Washington, DC

June 23, 2016

:30 promo for Election Special

Additional Documentation Below

View: Election 2016 Special: Road to the Convetions


Executive Producer

Election 2016: Democratic Debate

One-hour Live News Special


PBS Affiliate

Washington, DC

February 11, 2016

Additional Documentation Below

View: Election 2016 Special: Democratic Debate

Video of pre-recorded Millennial segment 

Exemplary Creative Activities

Digital/Multimedia Reports





Producer, Reporter, Writer

Border Patrol Ride Along Gets Real When Migrant Family Appears

Borderzine (

June 2017

Additional Documentation Below

View: Border Patrol Ride Along Gets Real When Migrant Family Appears 

Video about Borderzine

High Creative Professional Activities

CNN- Cable News Network





Producer / Writer



Various LIVE News Broadcasts

JT CNN Fredricka and students.jpg

CNN - Cable News Network

Atlanta GA , Washington, DC

August 2013- Current

Additional Documentation Below

CNN Atlanta Summer 2015

Howard student inters Miesha Miller, Precious Osagie-Erese and CNN Anchor, alumna Fredricka Whitfield

High Creative Professional Activities

NewsVision Live-Recorded Newscast





Executive Producer


Live-Recorded Newscast 

PBS Affiliate


Washington, DC

May 7, 2016

(Encore Broadcast May 8, 2016)

View a student-produced promo 

Additional Documentation Below

View the  May 2016 NewsVision Newscast here

Executive Producer


Live-Recorded Newscast 

PBS Affiliate


Washington, DC

December 16, 2016

(Two Encore Broadcasts)

Additional Documentation Below

View the  December 2016 NewsVision Newscast here

View the NBCUniversal promos 

Major Creative Works

In Progress





Producer / Writer



Heavy is the 'Fro that Wears the Crown: Pageantry & Protest  of Miss Howard University from Civil Rights Through Black Power

Documentary- continuation of Advanced Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship Grant 2017

2017 - Current

Additional Documentation Below

Portion of unedited interview with Robin Gregory (Miss Howard Univ 1966) 

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